
More information about parking in Eindhoven, as a visitor or a resident.

  • Are you looking for information about parking in and around the city centre or P+R (Park and Ride)?

    Parkeerplaatsen in Eindhoven

  • We believe that driving electric is important, so our aim is that in Eindhoven, a public charging point is never farther away than 300 metres. Anyone with a charging pass may use the public charging points.

    Oplaadpunten voor elektrische auto's

  • In Eindhoven, in addition to paying for parking with your debit card or cash, you can use your City Pass or mobile phone or pin.

    Betaald parkeren met stadspas, mobiel of pin

  • If you live in an area for parking permit holders (E9 area) or where paid parking is in place, or you have a business in such an area, you may apply to the online P-loket for a parking permit.


  • Parking is often a nuisance in residential areas located close to the city centre. If you live in such an area, and experience parking problems, you can request that we implement a paid parking regulation. 

    Betaald parkeren woonwijken