Everyone living, studying or working in the Netherlands, must have a BSN. This stands for Burger Service Nummer, (Citizen Service Number). As soon as you have been registered in the Key Register of...
Get DigiD
DigiD is a way of identifying yourself when arranging matters online. This might be with the government, educational institutions, healthcare organizations or your pension fund, for example.
Get in touch with the Municipality
The Inwonersplein (public office) is open on weekdays. You can make an appointment online, or by calling 14 040. You can also reach us through chat and email.
Navigate on Eindhoven.nl
To help you quickly find the right page, please check our municipal product overview in English. This list will give you the Dutch translation and a direct link to the information on eindhoven.nl.
Translate Dutch website
At the top of each page, you will find the Google Translate button. Click on this button on de Eindhoven website to roughly translate the Dutch content to any other language.
Find where to learn Dutch
There are several places where you can learn Dutch. If you have any questions about language, go to Taalnetwerk Zuidoost Brabant. This is a network of places in the city offering language lessons...