Life events

If you live in Eindhoven, you can register life events at the municipality of Eindhoven.

  • If you have come to live in the Netherlands, you must register your details in the RNI - a part of the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) - in Eindhoven within 5 days of your arrival.

    Inschrijven in Registratie niet-ingezetenen

  • If you're living in the Netherlands, have another nationality, would like Dutch citizenship and live in Eindhoven, you can apply to us for Dutch citizenship.

    Nederlander worden

  • If you have had a baby, you (father or mother) must register the child in the municipality in which it was born within 3 working days.


  • If you, as the future parents, are neither married nor in a registered partnership, as father or mother who did not give birth to the child, you can recognise the child. In doing so, you take on parentage of a child. 

    Erkenning kind

  • When you turn 18 you're allowed to do all kinds of things you weren't allowed to do before. But maybe you haven't realised that there are also all kinds of things that you're obliged to do. What changes are there when you turn 18?

    Bijna 18

  • An insurance company or pension fund may require this document before issuing payment. If an organisation requests an extract from the death register, the document is always provided.

    Uittreksel uit het overlijdensregister

  • If the person who died was someone close to you, it can be overwhelming. A funeral parlour or undertaker knows about all the things that have to be taken care of and will help you organise the funeral. They will often register the death for you, but you can also choose to do this yourself.


  • When someone close to you dies, you have to decide whether you want to have them buried or cremated. Eindhoven has 1 crematorium, 4 municipal cemeteries and several church cemeteries. 

    Begraven, cremeren, grafteken


  • Do you have plans to get married or register a partnership? Congratulations! You can get married in ‘het Stadhuis’ or another wedding location.

    Trouwen of geregistreerd partnerschap

  • If you were married outside the Netherlands or have entered into a partnership and at least one of you is not an EU citizen and does not have an indefinite residence permit, you must both declare that the marriage/partnership has not been entered into in order to obtain right of residence in the Netherlands.

    Verklaring van geen schijnhuwelijk

  • If you wish to marry or enter into a registered partnership abroad, you may need a certificate of no impediment. The foreign authority in the country where you wish to marry or enter into a registered partnership can tell you which documents you will need. These might include a copy of your birth certificate and a statement of your marital status.

    Verklaring van huwelijksbevoegdheid