Extracts and documents

Which extracts or documents are available at the municipality, and how to request them.

Passport and driving licence

  • Driving licence

    If you're applying for a driving licence for the first time, you'll have to make an appointment. However, renewing your driving licence or adding a category is possible online. 


  • Exchanging a foreign Driving licence for a Dutch one

    If you obtained your driving licence in a country other than the Netherlands, there are certain circumstances in which you may be able to exchange it for a Dutch driving licence.

    Omwisselen buitenlands rijbewijs voor Nederlands rijbewijs

  • Passport and identity card

    A passport or identity card can be used for travel and as proof of identity. Everyone over the age of 14 is required to be able to show proof of identity. Residents of Eindhoven with Dutch nationality can apply for a passport or identity card at the appropriate counter at Inwonersplein. Make an appointment online to request a passport or an identity card.

    Paspoort en identiteitskaart

  • Aliens' passport

    If you live in the Netherlands but do not have Dutch nationality and you are unable to obtain a passport in your country of origin, you will need an aliens' passport if you wish to travel to a country outside the Netherlands.


  • Refugee passport

    If you live in the Netherlands and do not have Dutch nationality but you do have refugee status, you will need a refugee passport if you wish to travel to a country outside the Netherlands.


  • Residence permit

    If you are a foreign national and wish to spend longer than 3 months in the Netherlands, you will need a residence permit. 


Extracts and documents

  • Extract from the Civil Registry

    All life events, such as birth, marriage or divorce, are registered with the municipality in which the event took place. If you would like proof of any such event having taken place in Eindhoven, and you are 16 or older, you can apply for an extract from the Civil Register.

    Uittreksel Burgerlijke Stand

  • Extract from the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP)

    You may need proof that you are registered with the municipality in Eindhoven, to register with a housing association for example.

    Uittreksel uit de Basisregistratie Personen (BRP)

  • Confidentiality of personal information in the BRP

    The personal details of all Dutch citizens are recorded in the Key Register of Persons (BRP). This database is used by a variety of organisations. You have the right to request that the municipality does not provide your details to certain other organisations.

    Mijn persoonsgegevens geheimhouden

  • Certificate of good conduct

    You need a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) if you are going to be working with confidential information, vulnerable people, money or goods in your job.

    Verklaring omtrent het Gedrag (VOG)

  • Certificate of Non-residence

    The Certificate of Non-residence is proof that you are registered in The Netherlands as a non-resident. You are non-resident if you live, or intend to live, in The Netherlands for less than 4 months, or if you no longer live in the Netherlands but maintain a relationship with the Dutch government.

    Uittreksel niet-ingezetene

  • Changing my personal data

    As a resident of the Netherlands, you are required by law to report changes in your personal situation to the municipality where you live. Some details you have to provide yourself, for example if you move house, have a child, get married abroad or if a family member dies.

    Mijn persoonsgegevens wijzigen